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  •   all ncRNA-associated interactions: Download
  •   circRNA-RNA interactions: Download
  •   lncRNA-RNA interactions: Download
  •   miRNA-RNA interactions: Download
  •   other ncRNA-RNA interactions: Download
  •   ncRNA-protein interactions: Download

The data file we provided contains information of each entry arranged as following:

- ViRBase ID: unique identifier for each entry in ViRBase database

- Virus Name: Scientific name of virus in current entry

- Virus Strain Name: Virus strain name in current entry

- Taxonomy ID: Taxonomy ID of virus in current entry

- Virus Family: Family name virus belongs in current entry

- Host Species: Scientific name of host organism in current entry

- Interactor1 Source: Source of interactor1 in current entry(Host or Virus)

- Interactor1 Category: ncRNA category of interactor1 in current entry

- Interactor1 Name: Interacto1 name in current entry

- Interactor1 Symbol: interactor1 in current entry(official gene symbol or miRBase ID)

- Interactor1 Id: Entrez ID (miRBase Accession for miRNA) of interactor1

- Interactor2 Source: Source of interactor2 in current entry(Host or Virus)

- Interactor2 Category: RNA category(or protein) of interactor2 in current entry

- Interactor2 Name: Interacto2 name in current entry in current entry

- Interactor2 Symbol: interactor2 in current entry(official gene symbol or miRBase ID)

- Interactor2 Id: Entrez ID (miRBase Accession for miRNA) of interactor2

- References: the PubMed ID of all references

- Score: Confidence score of the current entry

The old version:

ViRBase v2.1: https://www.rna-society.org/virbase2/

ViRBase v1.0: https://www.rna-society.org/virbase1/